About this comic...
Angels and Demons

In the comic, we are faced with two non-human beings, angels and demons. Both were created by God in his image, along with humans. Angels were placed in heaven as sort of second-in-command, the noble beings who served as the right hand of God and formed his army. They watch over Earth, God's prized creation. They are able to live on Earth (see 'One of the Fallen'). Humans were created to live on the Earth inhabited with life breathed into them by God himself. Like any God-fearing person would say, if one is good they go to heaven when they die, and if one was bad they go to hell. Demons were born in hell, created to be guardians of the underworld. They are able to live on earth as well, but their origins doomed them to be feared and persecuted.

All beings are prone to wickedness regardless of the origin of their souls.

The Infamous War

A few centuries ago, the angels noticed that the demon population was growing on Earth. They were biased against the creatures from hell and grew angry that the demons would not keep their place where God had intended them to be. The large army of angels took it upon themselves to ambush and masacre as many demons as they could with the goal of ridding the Earth that they protected from wickedness. God was furious and stripped many high-ranking angels from their positions. In response to the masacre he had not ordered, God commanded that no angel could ever wage war on demon without explicit permission. He also thouroughly explianed that demons were not enemies, in hopes of teaching the angels what was right without having to take away the gift of free will.

Centuries passed, the angels grew to understand that demons were not creatures of evil... and became tolerant for the most part. Pockets of resistance still exist. Similarly, some demons did not forget what happened to their ancestors, and many still live with a thirst for revenge.

Hiding the Wings

Angels have divine powers, they can hide their wings if necessary.

Being non-human, demons are more prone to be able to utilize the energy of the Earth. Almost every single demon can hide his or her wings by bringing them back into their body without any pain or consequences. Some demons, such as Aiken, cannot hide their wings, but still need some sort of outlet to dispel the energy they harvest...

One of the Fallen

A fallen quite simply is an angel(usually one of low rank) who chose to leave heaven. There are two types of fallen, immortal and mortal.

An immortal fallen cannott die and still retains their divine powers. Some angels decide to leave heaven only for a short time to either seek something out for God, or to do their own business, whatever that may be. While on Earth, they are still technically a fallen.

Once a fallen has claimed their mortality, they have given up their right back into heaven as a secondhand to god. They loose their powers, but can still have wings if they wish (and usually they do). There are few reasons for an angel to want mortality, a common one falling along the lines of the angel finding 'something on Earth worth staying for'. When they die, they usually return to heaven, but not as the same kind of angel as they were before. They join the group of dead who inhabit heaven as opposed to the original angels God created.